Sunday, September 04, 2005

[LinkedinBlogger] Announcing Tia Carr Williams & Yvonne Brown as New MLPF Co-Moderators!!

Because My Linkedin Power Forum is seriously committed
to effective communications in general and strong
communication via Linkedin in particular, it gives me
great joy to announce that MLPF is adding two
wonderful women as co-moderators/subject matter
experts to better support our belief that the way to
better business is through better communication.

As many of you already know, both Tia and Yvonne are
exceptional communicators.  I’ve already benefited
from advice from both of them.    It is my hope that
we’ll learn a lot of best practices from their vast

My emphasis on communication is not meant to suggest
mere grammar or composition or even style.  Though
these are quite valuable in getting our message
across, I’m hoping that Tia and Yvonne will help us to
continually refine the tone of MLPF so that both men
and women are as comfortable as we can reasonably make
them on this forum.

Below are links to their profiles as well as to their
individual web sites.  You may also contact each of
them from the MLPF homepage at:

To provide a little more insight into why I’m so happy
to have them aboard as moderators, I’ve included the
Linkedin endorsements I wrote for each earlier this

Tia Carr Williams
“There is a great joy in networking that comes when we
meet genuine, intelligent nurturers. Thus, as creator
of My Linkedin Power Forum, it’s a great joy to me to
acknowledge Tia Carr Williams as winner of the June
2005 Wright Way N.E.T.W.O.R.K.I.N.G. Recognition
Award. Tia has consistently demonstrated the spirit of
authentic networking and genuine friendship to MLPF &
Modo Fac Central.” (July 1, 2005)
Yvonne Brown
“I feel privileged to write an endorsement for a woman
who presents herself as powerfully, clearly, and as
focused as Yvonne Brown does. Yvonne's voice inspires
me to want to do business better, to perform better,
to help others more. I look forward to our growing our
businesses as marketing friends and I encourage you to
invest a little time in getting to know Yvonne and her
work.” (July 6, 2005)
*****In addition to joining MLPF as a co-moderator,
Yvonne Brown and I will also be working to provide a
Linkedin forum focused on women’s issues.  

I started Linkedin Women on June 4, 2005.  Since that
time, I’ve searched for just the right type of person
to develop Linkedin Women as a vehicle to help empower
women and to help improve communications between men
and women.  

Because women and men MUST work at and learn to
communicate more effectively and fairly with each
other, Linkedin Women not only invites women to join
but also encourages men who are respectful and
supportive of women’s issues to join as well.  

We intend to grow Linkedin Women into a vibrant and
supportive forum with a tone set by Yvonne Brown’s
incomparable approach to empowering women.  (Check out
her book Self-Creation: 10 Powerful Principles for
Changing Your Life:

To join Linkedin Women, please visit here: 

Thanks, Yvonne!
Thanks, Tia!

Vincent Wright
My Linkedin Power Forum
Skype/Google Talk/FWD = MyLinkedinPowerForum
5 September 2005

Vincent Wright
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