Sunday, August 19, 2007

Message Delivery Delay

Yahoo! 360° - Yahoo! Groups Team Blog: "Message Delivery Delay [Update as of 8/19 6:45 pm PDT: Engineers are still working on the problem. While the cause of the backlog is known, they are still working on the fastest way to get all the backlogged messages through the system so that we can return to normal delivery times. Worth noting that the delays will be occuring primarily, though not exclusively, in 'large groups' (those over 75 members) and that these groups will also be having problems with member page related functions]. Just a quick message to let folks that we're aware of the problem many groups are experiencing with long message delays and are working on a fix. We'll post a more definitive update when we have one but did want to assure folks that we're aware of the problem and our engineering team is on it. Apologies for the delay. - Yahoo! Groups Team"

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