Monday, August 20, 2007

LinkedIn: Answers: What topics and admission requirements make sense for a LinkedIn Advanced Workshop?

LinkedIn: Answers: What topics and admission requirements make sense for a LinkedIn Advanced Workshop?: "What topics and admission requirements make sense for a LinkedIn Advanced Workshop? We are about to launch our first IA LinkedIn 'Advanced' Workshop on Aug. 23rd at the University of Colorado. We have held over 30 LinkedIn Basic Workshops (with 700 attendees) in Colorado thus far and are we have been seeing ever-increasing demand for a follow-on Workshop. It was input from others (beginners and advanced users) that made the Basic Workshops so effective. What does the LinkedIn community think about these subtopic questions: • What topics are good for this workshop and are teachable and demonstrable in a WiFi-enabled classroom? • What should be the admission requirements? (e.g. graduated the IA LinkedIn Basic Workshop, 500+, 100+, anyone with money?) • How much should it cost? ($25, $50, $75, $100, $150, $200? More?) You can see more on the Advanced Workshop (as it is now) and other IA LinkedIn training options at They include weekly Webinars. We are currently seeking Affiliates to bring IA’s education and networking to other markets. E-Mail me. Mike O'Neil President Integrated Alliances open to invitations"

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