Saturday, August 13, 2005

[LinkedinBlogger] MLPF Recommended Core Rules of Netiquette: Excellent Netiquette Resource

Because I believe that the absence of netiquette
interferes with our ability to vigorously discuss
business networking, I'm happy to recommend to My
Linkedin Power Forum members the following set of
netiquette principles famously championed by Virginia
Shea.   If you have time, you can read them in detail


Excerpted from the book "Netiquette" by Virginia Shea.

* Rule 1: Remember the Human

* Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior
online that you follow in real life

* Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace

* Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth

* Rule 5: Make yourself look good online

* Rule 6: Share expert knowledge

* Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control

* Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy

* Rule 9: Don't abuse your power

* Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

Whether or not you visit the site to read them in
detail and whether or not some of them need to be more
freshly stated/restated, I think that at the core,
these are powerful behavioral concepts for MLPF
members to consider using here. 

And because I think our adherence to them could help
us to lay solid ground work so that our behavior
doesn't interfere with our discussing ways to improve
our earnings ability through networking via Linkedin,
I encourage discussion about them here on MLPF.  

Vincent Wright
My Linkedin Power Forum
Linkedin @
Skype = WrightWayCoaching
13 Aug 2005

PS: For those of you in a really big hurry, here's
what Virginia Shea says about "Rule 1: Remember the

"The golden rule your parents and your kindergarten
teacher taught you was pretty simple: Do unto others
as you'd have others do unto you. Imagine how you'd
feel if you were in the other person's shoes. Stand up
for yourself, but try not to hurt people's feelings.

In cyberspace, we state this in an even more basic
manner: Remember the human.

When you communicate electronically, all you see is a
computer screen. You don't have the opportunity to use
facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to
communicate your meaning; words -- lonely written
words -- are all you've got. And that goes for your
correspondent as well.

When you're holding a conversation online -- whether
it's an email exchange or a response to a discussion
group posting -- it's easy to misinterpret your
correspondent's meaning. And it's frighteningly easy
to forget that your correspondent is a person with
feelings more or less like your own.

It's ironic, really. Computer networks bring people
together who'd otherwise never meet. But the
impersonality of the medium changes that meeting to
something less -- well, less personal. Humans
exchanging email often behave the way some people
behind the wheel of a car do: They curse at other
drivers, make obscene gestures, and generally behave
like savages. Most of them would never act that way at
work or at home. But the interposition of the machine
seems to make it acceptable.

The message of Netiquette is that it's not acceptable.
Yes, use your network connections to express yourself
freely, explore strange new worlds, and boldly go
where you've never gone before. But remember the Prime
Directive of Netiquette: Those are real people out

Would you say it to the person's face?

Writer and Macintosh evangelist Guy Kawasaki tells a
story about getting email from some fellow he's never
met. Online, this fellow tells Guy that he's a bad
writer with nothing interesting to say.

Unbelievably rude? Yes, but unfortunately, it happens
all the time in cyberspace.

Maybe it's the awesome power of being able to send
mail directly to a well-known writer like Guy. Maybe
it's the fact that you can't see his face crumple in
misery as he reads your cruel words. Whatever the
reason, it's incredibly common.

Guy proposes a useful test for anything you're about
to post or mail: Ask yourself, "Would I say this to
the person's face?" If the answer is no, rewrite and
reread. Repeat the process till you feel sure that
you'd feel as comfortable saying these words to the
live person as you do sending them through cyberspace.

Of course, it's possible that you'd feel great about
saying something extremely rude to the person's face.
In that case, Netiquette can't help you. Go get a copy
of Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct

Another reason not to be offensive online

When you communicate through cyberspace -- via email
or on discussion groups -- your words are written. And
chances are they're stored somewhere where you have no
control over them. In other words, there's a good
chance they can come back to haunt you.

Never forget the story of famous email user Oliver
North. Ollie, you'll remember, was a great devotee of
the White House email system, PROFS. He diligently
deleted all incriminating notes he sent or received.
What he didn't realize was that, somewhere else in the
White House, computer room staff were equally
diligently backing up the mainframe where his messages
were stored. When he went on trial, all those handy
backup tapes were readily available as evidence
against him.

You don't have to be engaged in criminal activity to
want to be careful. Any message you send could be
saved or forwarded by its recipient. You have no
control over where it goes."

Vincent Wright
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

[LinkedinBlogger] "Making meaning" and Re-dedicating MLPF to Linkedin Best Practices

As much as I've wanted to have a hands off policy in
the messages posted on My Linkedin Power Forum, a few
recent posts have caused me a bit of concern about the
potential of our missing out on the opportunity
Linkedin affords those of us who want to use it as
designed, as formulated by its creators.

MLPF is here for Linkedin best practices and for
constructive criticism.  MLPF is not for messages
encouraging people to cheat LinkedIn any more than we
would encourage each other to cheat anyone else we're
in a business relationship with.  MLPF is not here to
encourage any member to obstruct any other Linkedin
member interested in developing their businesses via

Linkedin is not perfect and is not going to be

The same with MLPF.

The same with your business, your products, your

We are simply never going to reach perfection where
there is nothing for anyone to complain about. 

Moreover, whereas unfair complaints reflect more on
the complainer than on the product, a good complaint,
good constructive criticism, can lead to a
continuously superior product.  

And that's one of the reasons I set up
LinkedinTomorrow so that those who wanted to discuss
Linkedin product development could have a good place
to work out ideas about tomorrow's version of
Linkedin, today:

I encourage those of you who are committed to
participating in the development of Linkedin to
consider signing up for that forum and taking a
leadership role in helping to advance Linkedin's
platform.  (I accidentally wrote platforum! :-))

There is still an inordinate amount of good that we
can get out of Linkedin IF we focus on the good that's
on Linkedin today and contribute in helping each other
to get maximum value out of our current memberships.

I'm not a Pollyanna.  But I insist that we don't have
to cheat, we don't have to be mean-spirited, nor do we
have to malign the good work of others in order to
improve our own businesses - AT ALL!

And on a peripheral matter:To me, cheating is just
passing around a mental disease based upon laziness,
self-centeredness, a poor imagination, and the
impatience to do things the right way. 

And though I've had my temptations to do so, I don't
like my work when I find that I had to cheat to get
something I want.  YUCK! (This is not saying anything
against "cheatsheets" which are doing nothing more
than codifying shortcuts to help increase our

The above being said: I want to leave you with a word
of encouragement I heard today from Guy Kawasaki of
Garage Technology Ventures as presented through the
Standford Technology Venture Program. 

He says that the core of why you should start a
company is to make meaning.  He emphatically
distinguishes between the success of businesses
started for making meaning and those started
exclusively for making money.

Kawasaki goes on to say that there are 3 ways for
entrepreneurs to make meaning in business:

1. Increase quality of life

2. Right a wrong

3. Prevent the end of something good

While there have been men and women who've attempted
to stop MLPF from helping you to use Linkedin the
right way - and there are likely to be others from
time to time in our future - I intend to continue
developing MLPF around the above 3 ways that Kawasaki
so definitively espouses.  So, I dedicate MLPF to 1.)
helping you to increase the quality of your business
life via Linkedin, 2.)where possible, righting the
wrong practices that are straining to seep into the
linking practices Linkedin recommends, 3.) working to
prevent the end of Linkedin as our favorite way of
linking with one another for our businesses and for
our careers.  

With that in mind, I strongly encourage you listen to
Guy Kawaski's super-brief presentation that's pregnant
with meaning for Linkedin and for your business and

Here's the link, but you might have to join the
Stanford Technology Ventures Program in order to
listen to the video:

PLEASE join me in continuing to develop positive
practices and positive means of developing our
networks so that our networks will have more meaning
for us and for those we support.

Thank you.
Vincent Wright
My Linkedin Power Forum
Linkedin @
Skype = WrightWayCoaching
10 Aug 2005

Vincent Wright
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Monday, August 08, 2005

[LinkedinBlogger] THANK YOU for 6 Months of Great Networking Conversation on MLPF!

My Linkedin Power Forum is 6 months old today.  Thus,
I wish to take this opportunity to thank the very
special men and women who've contributed their
intelligence, business acumen, life experience, good
humor, and inspirational fire in helping us to witness
good networking in action during the first 6 months of

I salute each and everyone of the 1,800+ members from
around the world who've come here to learn about
Linkedin, business networking, and communication
skills on this very active forum. 

I am deeply grateful to you for the things you've
helped me to learn about networking and about business
and about communication and about life during this 6
month period.

Many members have shared success stories with me. 
Happily, some of them have brought to my attention
that they have benefited financially from some of the
connections they've made through MLPF and Linkedin.  

It is my intention to help that number grow as much as
possible in the next 6 months of MLPF's life.

So, I hope you'll continue to work with us and teach
and learn with us in a forum whose potential I think
we've barely tapped into.

I sincerely thank you for your participation in this
living forum and invite you to join us as we dig more
deeply into how we might be able to learn and grow and
profit and prosper from working long enough on
Linkedin with the right network of supporters to help
us develop our careers and businesses.

As always, if I can be of help to you and your
networking missions, please contact me at your

Thank you.
Vincent Wright
My Linkedin Power Forum
Linkedin @ My
SKYPE = WrightWayCoaching
9 Aug 2005

Vincent Wright
Invite your friends to get linked in to career & business power!
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Sunday, August 07, 2005

[LinkedinBlogger] Preventing Flame Wars: Two Basic Principles of Netiquette - From The Virtual Handshake

Because I intend to continually work on improving the
atmosphere of My Linkedin Power Forum for those who
genuinely want to learn about Linkedin, networking,
and communication skills, I want to share with you a
couple of great netiquette principles brought to the
attention of LinkedinBloggers by Des Walsh.

I believe it's more than irony that Des Walsh of
LinkedinBloggers brought this to our attention on the
very day that I'm re-reading page 111 of David Teten
and Scott Allen's "The Virtual Handshake" where those
2 principles are joined by 4 other well-thought-out
principles that could help members and moderators
greatly reduce flame wars.

Though by most accounts MLPF is a fairly successful
forum, I can safely say that it would have been even
more successful and enjoyable had I read and applied
the principles in "The Virtual Handshake" when I
started MLPF 6 months ago.

Kudos to Scott Allen and David Teten for organizing
and sharing such great networking concepts with us.  I
highly, highly, highly recommend "The Virtual
Handshake" for community members and moderators alike.

Please do check out Scott's excellent post "Flame
Wars: Two Basic Principles of Netiquette" at:


For your convenience and consideration, I'm including
two of the 6 principles below and hope that we can
strongly apply them on MLPF and its partner forums.

Vincent Wright
My Linkedin Power Forum
Linkedin @
7 Aug 2005

Preventing Flame Wars: Two Basic Principles of
Netiquette - From The Virtual Handshake

1. Presume good intent. What is the best possible way
the other person could mean by what they said? If your
initial reaction to what somebody says is negative,
pause. Take a deep breath. Try to detach from your own
personal context and put yourself in their context.
What might they have meant by that? Maybe you’re
misinterpreting what they’re saying.

So pick the best possible meaning, and respond to
that. What’s the worst that can happen? They correct
you and say, “No, I really meant…”? On the other hand,
if you respond to your negative reaction, the worst
possible thing is that an escalation begins — a
vicious circle. Sound familiar?

You’re never backed into a corner online. Take the
time to cool off and re-think it before you reply.

2. Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t say in
person. Would you say it to their face at a networking
event? If not, then why would you say it here? Don’t
think that the relationships here are any less
important, the feelings any less real, etc. And don’t
think it won’t have any impact on your business.

No one looks good when they get emotional in an
argument, even when they’re right. Does it reflect
better on you to be right? Or to be someone who’s easy
to get along with?

I’m not saying people shouldn’t voice their opinions,
or debate their differences of opinion, but not at the
expense of their relationships and even their

Think about it… would you want to do business with
someone who was always right but always arguing about
it to show how right they are? (unless they’re a trial
lawyer, of course, in which case that’s a very
desirable trait)

Vincent Wright
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