Tuesday, July 26, 2005

[LinkedinBlogger] K.O.N.S.T.A.N.T.I.N. - Networker Motivation

Some days, the practice of givers gain can feel like,
"givers drain", a virtual nightmare in our hands. 

There seems to be a certain segment of humans who
insist on trying to pull you off your mission of
giving powerfully, freely, abundantly. 

So, I think it's VITALLY, VITALLY, VITALLY important
to have something to counter the negative drag, to
give you power to resist AND to ACCOMPLISH NEW things
in networking. 

So, in case you need a bit of motivational energy
today, I offer you the following
"K.O.N.S.T.A.N.T.I.N." acronym

1. Keep On - This is a proper usage of the living
power you have in you.  To go forward - even when
slowed by a seeming unending slew of obstacles.  This
is the most important thing I can think of to
encourage you to have: a mentality of "keeping on" -
it will help your friends to love you even as it
provides employment for your enemies - enemies need
employment, too! :-)

2. Networking Strategically - Networking is something
that some of us do just as effortlessly as breathing.
Others of us have to work, work, work to labor to
network ourselves from where we are to where we want
to go.  Creating a networking strategy can help you be
more fluent in your networking because a strategy
necessitates a goal.  What good is a goal-less
strategy, a strategy that's aiming at nothing. 
Indeed, for those of us who have trouble visualizing
appropriate goals, objectives, etc., sometimes
creating a good, powerful strategy will help clarify
goals that might prove valuable to us.  In other
words, your goals may be defined by the available
strategies, methods, tools, within your reach.  Bottom
line: networking strategically should be paramount in
your mind, your heart, your soul.  Because it is
networking on purpose towards a goal.

3. To Accomplish NEW Things - This is about results.
But more importantly, it's about being bold enough to
chase the new things in the world - or attempt to pull
them into existence from nothing - exactly what we
were designed to do - to extend our reach - to reach,
reach, reach for more things, greater things, better
things, NEW things.  Why should I want to accomplish
the same old tired things that make experts expert?  I
want to go where no expert has been before, creating
places, things, concepts, hybrids of things for
budding experts to yearn for with their deepest
passion.   Experts need encouraging, too! :-)  And
they need dreamers' dreams to give them bigger
playgrounds to use all their expert ability!

4. In Networking - Networking is the best playground
in the world!  It's where I intend to spend the
remainder of my time on Earth.

So, my word of motivation to you My Linkedin Power
Forum friends is to:

Keep On Networking Strategically To Accomplish New
Things In Networking! :-)

Vincent Wright
My Linkedin Power Forum
Please join MLPF on Linkedin Groups

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