Sunday, July 03, 2005

[LinkedinBlogger] MLPF Official Group on Linkedin!!

Hi, Everyone,
Many of you have privately and publicly asked me about
My Linkedin Power Forum becoming an officially
recognized Linkedin group. Of course, being an
officially recognized Linkedin group would allow us to
use our group icon on Linkedin to help our ~1,500 MLPF
members to more easily recognize and network with each
other on Linkedin. 

Well, there’s a lot of new Linkedin power coming your
way!!  I'm happy to bring to your attention a note
from Linkedin positively addressing this issue, at

In a message written to MLPF by Robert Leathern,
LinkedIn Director of Marketing, we were told:

<snip>"MLPF should have its own LinkedIn group quite
soon, it is in process (one thing to keep in mind is
that groups are launched on a two-week cycle)." Robert
Leathern, LinkedIn Director of Marketing<snip> For
your reference this message is in our archives at MLPF
Message 4463 Fri Jul 1, 2005 9:47 pm From that date
stamp, I believe we should be officially up and
running by July 15th!!

Immediately upon our receiving the instructions on
setting up the group on Linkedin, we will share the
appropriate link with you.   Of course, as members of
MLPF, to make it easy for you to become a member of
the official MLPF group on Linkedin, you will
automatically receive your invitation the same day.

NOTE: We encourage you to invite friends, family, and
business associates who may need a business or career
boost to join us both here on My Linkedin Power Forum
as well as join our official group on Linkedin
because, "Our business is bringing Linkedin power to

I look forward to helping you to power up the Linkedin

Vincent Wright  
Creator/Moderator, My Linkedin Power Forum
4 July 2005

Vincent Wright

Creator, My Linkedin Power Forum

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