Thursday, July 21, 2005

[LinkedinBlogger] Helping Serendipity: The �CIA TIP� Tip for Replacing QvQ

A Few Crossposted Thoughts on Replacing QvQ

While others are free to talk about business
networking in whatever terms that work best for them,
as a networker who is deeply depending upon networking
as a way of life, I could care less about the tiresome
“quality versus quantity” argument as currently
formed.  Nor do I care about its latest iteration in
disguise, the “promiscuous versus celibacy” argument
and the linguistic traps in which both of these
equally banal concepts can corner us.

Neither argument solves my business networking issues
- nor yours – nor do they solve much else as far as I
can see. For me, neither has contributed anything to
the enhancement of professional business networking
and neither gets to the heart of the matter to address
my immediate needs as someone who’s networking with a
business purpose in mind.

Quantity versus Quality is like having the H in one
hand and the 2O in the other – WHILE YOU DIE OF THIRST
because you never blended them together so that they
could FLOW TOGETHER to bring vitality to your life!
When you're thirsty, you need H2O!  I'm thirsty!

Because I don’t believe in trying to dismiss a thing
without coming up with a positive replacement, I’d
like to suggest a possible alternative
conceptualization of the networking universe.  I call
it The “C.I.A. T.I.P” Tip. 

Let me explain:

Quantity versus quality is about dichotomy, breaking
things down, analysis.

The “C.I.A. T.I.P” Tip is about chemistry, a blending
of elements, bringing things together, a kaizen, a
synthesis of things.

In using The “C.I.A. T.I.P” Tip for your business
life, it is okay to visit the subjects of quantity and
quality, but these elements must now be seen as
continually FLOWING together towards a centralized

And that purpose is to get wealth - the purpose behind
the purpose of our being in business in the first

Deep down we know we want to get wealth so that we can
live dynamically – POWERFULLY – and FEEL JOYOUSLY
ALIVE, FULLY alive in the process of networking on

That is all that matters. Not quantity by itself; not
quality by itself; but, rather, quantity and quality
both interactively alive in our lives, generating the
power to live and to do business - and to do business

While the “C.I.A. T.I.P.” Tip is not just about
“quantity v quality”, it is also not about charts and
lines, nor even degrees. – For if 6 Billion people
were 1 degree away from you and you couldn’t influence
at least 1 person to come together to help you do
business better, you and your business are in for a
long dry haul on your way through a short business

The “C.I.A. T.I.P.” Tip is about interactivity. LOTS
of interactivity.  FLOWING interactivity. Kaizen
interactivity.  The “C.I.A. T.I.P.” Tip is about
communication.   Dynamism.   Energy.   Interacting
with people.  The very thing life is about.  Indeed,
The “C.I.A. T.I.P.” Tip is about LIFE!  Not charts.
Not lines.  Not degrees. 

Though Linkedin is my favorite platform and the one I
intend to pay even MORE attention to as I seek to earn
a 6 figure income in using Linkedin over the next 12
months, it doesn’t matter to me whether its topology
is 4 degrees of separation or 3 or 2 or 1. 

You can’t interact with degrees or lines or charts.

You can only interact with people.

Successfully finding people, attracting people,
bringing people together, retaining people together,
and moving them towards a specific business purpose,
towards the light I can see from time to time, is the
way I plan to get wealth and to live more dynamically
over the next 12 months.  (A change from my former 3
month view.)

It is energy and ability and speed that you need.  It
is power that you need, power from people.

IF you’re going to solve your problems through the
concept of networking to get the power you need from
people, then the concept of networking boils down to
these three things:

1. Confluence
2. Influence and
3. Affluence

1. To get the power you need, you must bring people
together: That's Confluence
2. To bring people together, you must effectively
communicate with them: That's Influence
3. To derive power from people, you must interact with
them the right way: That's the way to Affluence

1. Confluence is what most people think of as

2. Influence is actually closer to networking as I see
it.  For in addition to practicing effective
communication skills here, you can also put into
practice such true networking concepts as “givers
gain”. It is about such matter as diplomacy, courtesy,
respect, persuasion, etc.

3. In the last one, Affluence - the right way – is
VERY IMPORTANT.  The right way is about the HOW of
relationship building from creation to nurturance to
growth to maintenance & repair.  It is about power
generation at its best. It's about commitment,
fortitude, persistent determination, believing long
enough, etc.

NOTE: It is intentional that all three C.I.A. concepts
suggest “flow”, “water”, “liquidity”, fluidity”.
There is so much power in flow that we sometimes look
right through it.  And for those who think that “flow”
as a concept is powerless or anemic, think about the
power “flow” displayed on December 26th, 2004.
Humanity was helpless against that particular flow.  A
flow whose associated earthquake was so powerful, it
affected the earth’s rotation and LITERALLY CHANGED
TIME that day.  The C.I.A. concept can change time for
you, too.  Giving you more of it by helping you have
an abundance of hands continually available to help at
just the time you need them: the right time -

If you can keep your focus on Confluence, Influence,
and Affluence, and if you can work on getting them
positively interacting in a balanced way in your life,
THIS IS POWER!  You’ll be giving yourself power.  Real
living power.  And that’s the best networking power
T.I.P. I can give you today.

Vincent Wright
My Linkedin Power Forum

To add more power to your networking TODAY, join MLPF
on Linkedin Groups:

NOTE: I think classical language has greater
flexibility and greater power with which to influence
the 3.2 Million Linkedin users from around the world
than the vernacular language that merely seems to have
power but only gets that impression of power from its
ability to annoy and to drag discourse off course -
and downward at that.  We can be strong and POWERFUL –

Thanks!Vincent WrightTo power up your networking, join us at:MyLinkedinPowerForum-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

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