What do you need in order to make APRIL your best month ever on Linkedin and in your business/career?
Do you need to have a bigger network or even the biggest network on Linkedin?
Or would your personal situation be better served if you found justone person during April who could help you move your business oryour career forward? To get you on solid ground? Just in time forSPRING!!
Think about it!
Vote on it if you will.
And THEN - let's go on a search TOGETHER – for the entire month of APRIL to help find you "A Powerful Relationship in Linkedin!"
I'm visualizing this as a good exercise for you professionally and as a good exercise in authentic networking for the members of MyLinkedin Power Forum - possibly as a group activity.I think most members here would love to help someone else find "APowerful Relationship In Linkedin"! With that in mind, during the two weeks leading up to April, you should try to find a Linkedin Teammate among the members of MyLinkedin Power Forum. - Or elsewhere, if you choose. :-( -
Remember, Linkedin is a BIG playground. So, having someone help you search can dramatically shorten your search time while increasing your effectiveness in finding what you need. And isn't that the core principle, the heart of networking? Working WITH someone else? Consider having a pal, a friend, a buddy, an accomplice, a partner, a mate, a sibling, an offspring, a parent to help you navigate Linkedin for a month. The month of "A.P.R.I.L."
(For my Linkedin jazz friends, in homage to Dizzy Gillespie andCharlie Parker, I call this concept BEBOP: "Bigger Earnings Based OnPartnering".)
{BTW: Please know that whenever I use the word "power", I never mean to imply power `over" someone but rather power "WITH" someone. I always mean power in that sense – only.}
If anyone would like a poll on what "A Powerful Relationship InLinkedin" should be, please feel free to work with someone to put it up in the poll section on My Linkedin Power Forum.
Thanks, and I look forward to having "A Powerful Relationship InLinkedin" with you in APRIL!
Vincent Wright
My Linkedin Power Forum
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